Levante Playa 5 units
Description and features
– Consist of 5 cubic booths, a wooden canopy and perimeter wooden floor.
– All units are removable and assembled with screws. The booth can be disassembled in 3 monobloc units.
– Inside floor in high-density board.
– All external walls are made of laminated security glass (stadip type). Inside layer of the board in high-press laminated board (resistant to moisture).
– The units have 5 front glass doors. One each with outwards opening.
– Stainless steel flat roof. Finishing colour is applied in an automatic facility with degreasingp hosphate, washing, drying and polymerised powder painting.
– Solar screen structure is independent and made of tubular frame stainless steel.
– Connection box for energy counter and fuses integrated for ground power supply. Inside panel with power control switch, high sensitivity differential switch, magneto thermic protection switches, power sockets.