Design, fabrication, installation and maintenance of toilet booths.

Primur is an enterprise from Grupo Zedis specialised in Great Format Elements in Urban Environments.

We are based in the North of Spain, in Gijón, and our facilities consist of a production plant of 6.000 m2 and an administrative building of 1.000 m2, everything within an area of 20.000 m2.

From 1991 Primur has always been at the forefront of the sector, introducing the newest technologies and guaranteeing the main qualities of the urban furniture: adaptability to the environment, durability, and citizen services.

Our main concern is the orientation to the customer in order to give them the greatest value and tranquillity of being in the hands of a strong enterprise that can satisfy their needs from its early stage of design to the installation and the equipment maintenance.

  • Certified quality

    ISO 9001 / ISO 14001 / ISO 14006 / ISO 45001.

    Continuous improvement of quality, Environmental administration, Ecodesign and Occupational Risk Prevention.

    Integrated Management Policy.

  • A comprehensive service

    From the product design until the end, we assist the client and we adapt to their needs, including an exclusive maintenance service.

  • Grupo Zedis

    Primur is an enterprise from Grupo Zedis. A large scale industrial platform that guarantees our capacity to innovate, maximum reliability and a completely integrated process.

We develop your projects

We have a professional team with more than 20 years of experience in design and development of urban furniture. We advise you and accompany you throughout all the project design process.

Ethics and

Through this section we intend to communicate to the members of our interest groups our solid commitment to ethics, good governance, compliance and due diligence, as well as our strategic approach to position GRUPO ZEDIS at the highest standards in terms of of business ethics and maintain a high level of integrity and professionalism in the performance of business activity.

For this reason, we make our Ethical Channel available to all members of our interest groups through which they can communicate, in a strictly confidential and even anonymous manner, possible irregularities:

Said channel complies with the best practices in information security and protection of personal data and is regulated in accordance with the Principles of Action and Management Protocol that is published therein and is constantly updated.

In short, GRUPO ZEDIS works constantly to be at the forefront of regulatory compliance and ethics, considering intolerable and formally expressing our condemnation of any illegality or behavior that can be labeled as not being socially responsible or unethical.

Youth employment

At Primur we support the inclusion and training of our young people through operational employment programs.